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Bilingual Resources

How can I help my child with their home learning if I can't read English very well?
  • Talk, talk, talk in your language. Talk about anything. Try to make the conversations go between you and your child several times as this will help their language skills even more. The language skills they learn in your language will help them with English.
  • Tell your child stories. These could be from your childhood or you could invent your own stories. Pictures and objects can help you tell stories. Encourage your child to tell their own stories too.
  • Read aloud to them every day if you can.
  • Look at picture books together and talk about them in your language. What is happening? What are the characters like? What do you think will happen next? Why did the character do that? What could the character done differently? What would you have done? How did the character feel? How did that change by the end of the book? If you can, talk about them in English too. Help your child to retell the stories.
  • If your child is learning a new, complicated concept and is struggling, talk to them about it in your language if that will help them.
  • Do you know anyone in your community who could help you translate words you don't understand? Maybe there is a parent at school who could help.
  • Speak to your child's teacher if you need help with their home learning. They will be happy to help.

If you are a parent or carer of a child who is bilingual, you may find the following links helpful.

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