Pupil Premium Funding
Vision for disadvantaged pupils at Malmesbury Park Primary School
We believe every child irrespective of their starting points, family circumstances or barriers to learning, should leave school excited about learning, resilient to set-backs and determined to succeed. Through seeking the views of the children we are able to find ways of meeting their individual needs thereby developing their confidence, independence and self-belief. We recognise the importance of parents and wider family in supporting their child’s learning and actively seek ways to engage with them ensuring that their views are heard and valued.
We encourage all children to have high aspirations, recognising that hard work, determination and perseverance reap rewards. Early identification of needs ensures we respond actively to identified groups, offering additional, targeted support, thereby ensuring accelerated progress. We offer a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum, with projects carefully designed to motivate learners and meet their identified needs. The wide range of projects ensures learners are engaged in learning which is purposeful and meaningful, whilst developing life-long skills and a love of learning.
We strive to ensure all children have equal opportunities in all aspects of school life by providing a wide range of emotional, social and academic support. Through financial support we are able to ensure they are able to access a range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities, including residential trips, sporting clubs, events and visits.